We will create a more human-friendly Society post-COVID 19 Crisis.

Carlos Creus Moreira
4 min readApr 12, 2020

While the human world doesn’t always make the best decisions for itself, and while we can easily overlook the forest for the trees where technology is concerned, we still learn, we still adapt, and we still work together to make things right. History has shown this much: we’re fallible but we’re also unfailingly ambitious. Despite our mistakes — even the biggest ones — we continue to fight for a higher quality of life. We believe this innate conviction within us will

allow us to always self-correct. That’s a fancy way of saying we will find the right solutions for the problems we create. This book hinges on the power of that truth. But we need to get busy applying it. Because if we’re not wise about how we proceed in this season of our partnership with technology, it is more likely than most realize that our ambitions — what is possible for us — will be scaled back to a level we’ve never experienced before.

As interconnected and interdependent as we are on technology, a series of wrong decisions, wrong adoptions, wrong consumptions over the next couple of years could lead to a decades-long regression in which human ingenuity is supplanted and human sensibilities are replaced by technology. We don’t know how we would handle this because we’ve never been threatened on this sort of scale before. What will we do if we cannot be who we are? In the end, the question of the day isn’t as much, “Will we survive?” as it is, “Will we still thrive?” The answer is still, collectively, up to us.

From here out, it’s best to consider this a book of conversations — the most important conversations in which we-the-world should be engaged as we aim to use the power of technology to script the best future possible. This book is not meant to be a book of solutions.

How can it be when so much of what is needed requires collaboration and adoption on a grand scale? We are merely two informed authors who aim to jumpstart the innovation, collaboration, and adoption necessary to produce the solutions we ultimately (and, in some cases, desperately) need.

Book available at: https://www.amazon.com/transHuman-Code-Program-Your-Future/dp/1626346291?fbclid=IwAR0x5_BNxYbY0GSaZHRMicjviD3p87NEL2U5mSWwTwMnIkb_0GZ9Yg1MDGU


‘’The principles of the transHuman Code remind us that we have an obligation to ensure that our society is programmed for the betterment of all. This is the handbook for the future we all deserve!’’

- Risto Siilasmaa, Chairman, Nokia

Human society is being transformed by new technologies. David and Carlos have assembled a tremendous resource for understanding what this transHuman world will look like. A must read!’’

- Professor Alex ‘’Sandy’’ Pentland, co-creator, MIT Media Lab, Director MIT Connection Science

‘’In a time when climate change is making catastrophic weather events more frequent and scarcity of water more dramatic we need to think how technology can be re-focused to the human needs. Everyone should read this book and contribute to finding the transHuman way.’’

- Dr. Enrico Fucile, Chief of Data Representation, World Meteorlogical Organization

‘’It is essential that as we navigate our way towards an uncertain future, that the best of humanity is strengthened and protected, and not irrevocably compromised. Strong, thoughtful leadership and creative ideas are needed. This incredibly important book provides just that.’’

- Julia Christensen Hughes, Dean of the College of Business and Economics, University of Guelph

‘’Leaders must realize it’s their people, and not technology, that is the biggest competitive advantage for their organizations to succeed in this new world. I highly recommend this great book by David and Carlos. The transHuman Code should be on everyone’s required reading list!’’

- Leena Nair, Chief Human Resources Officer, Unilever

‘’The new digital age promises us the opportunity to live richer, fuller and rewarding lives while marginalizing some sectors of the population and creating anxiety about the relevance of humanity. This book handles these questions deftly!’’

- Mohit Joshi, President, Infosys

‘’Only David and Carlos have the foresight and network to bring together a stellar group of experts on the socio-political impact of techno-economical transformations. This is a great platform to engage us in conversation that is so critical to our future!’’

- Danil Kerimi, Head, Technology Industries for the World Economic Forum

‘’With the transHuman Code we can establish the most important basic principle of technological innovation — Ethics of use. We have been waiting too long for this book!’’

- Kavita Gupta, Founding Managing Partner, ConsenSys Ventures

‘’Every user of technology-which is pretty much everybody-should read this book. It’s filled with profound questions we should all be asking ourselves about what our relationship with technology. Before you pick up your phone again, read The transHuman Code.’’

- Jon Rettinger, President, TechnoBuffalo

‘’The TransHuman Code is the MUST READ book of the year! As technology continues to disrupt every aspect our lives, David and Carlos discuss the imminent need for a bold conversation on what makes us human and what values we need to preserve and strengthen — before it’s too late.’’

- — Megan Alexander, Host, ‘’Inside Edition’’, CBS




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