Don't be a product of Technology Companies
While it is commendable that many tech titans, with Facebook at the forefront, have made it clear that they aim to ensure that 7.5 billion people can access the Web and connect to over 50 billion devices by 2020, a conflict of global proportions has arisen since these corporations are subject to shareholders and market cap obligations. In other words, they must monetize the Web by converting it into their own private network in which their users become their products. The shareholders and board members of these companies are far less interested in helping you make more friends than in how to best capitalize on your social data graph. The reason why many of their services are free or very cheap is because you pay them with the traits of your humanity which are sold to advertisers for everyone’s profit but yours. While we are finally wising up to this reality, there is much work still to be done to untangle the influential web we’ve wrapped ourselves in. The book in your hands is an important beginning.
The essence of the human spirit and the hope of humanity is freedom: the freedom to be ourselves, to express our personal convictions, and to become the best version of ourselves that we can become. In truth, we are more than human beings; we are human becomings. What we collectively become writes the script for our world’s future. Is technology allowing us to collectively become the best version of us?
The precarious marriage of humanity and technology leaves us each with an existential question. It’s staring us in the face and stirring inside us. Do you want to merely survive, or do you want to truly thrive? Thousands of years of human history provide an obvious answer that sets us apart from every other lifeform. Humans long to thrive, to progress, to become better than we are now.
How we do this today is new territory. But we still possess within us the most innovative tools on the planet and, collectively, the most potent force for global progress. The opportunities are here, or very near, for the taking. Which ones should we take? Let’s look into that question more specifically, on a topic-by-topic basis from here out. Let’s begin the discussions we must have. And then let’s begin forming our collective, proactive answers.